
Pamper yourself – Find “Me” Time

Many of us live most of their lives yearning for love from our near and dear ones especially friends and family. Seeking love seems like a lifelong quest, sometimes even after one finds their soul mate or partner or better half.

On the contrary, I believe one can easily attract love by using a simple strategy of loving none other than ourselves. The more we are grateful for in life, the more great things happen in your life for you to be grateful again. Similarly, the more we start loving ourselves, the more occasions are created for others to fall in love with us. It is as simple as that.

Loving ourselves is an old skill that we were so good at doing as children. No wonder we were the center of attraction growing up. Somehow with age and by donning other roles in life, we forgot all about doing things that we loved or thinking of putting our interest above others. Also, we developed this new skill of discovering only our weaknesses and how we are in comparison to others.

We need to start thinking differently and start loving ourselves, for the color of our skin, for the way we look, and for our strengths and our little quirks that identifies us as a unique personality.  We need to take some personal time, “ME TIME” for discovering your inner child, your beauty and start falling in love again with this wonderful person, YOU.

Let me ask when was the last time you got that haircut or did an activity that you so wanted to but never got time to do it? When was the last time you had nothing to do but to read your favorite novel from first to the last page without being pulled into doing daily chore? Or, when was the last time you drank that warm cup of coffee reading the morning newspaper in the balcony?

ME TIME can sometimes be as little as 15 mins to one hour but it has to be doing things that only matter to you or love to do. The more time you spend taking care of yourself, mentally and physically, you will start to radiate confidence and positivity around you.  Soon you will  become a magnet attracting all the love in this universe.

As a working mom with two school going kids, I find my “Me Time” early morning from 5-6 AM. This is the time I dedicate for meditation, running or yoga, and reading. I plan my day, week and list my short and long term goals that will support a wonderful and attractive life. I ensure that in this one hour, I only do things that I absolutely love.

I hope I have encouraged many of you reading this article to take those baby steps to pamper yourself and find your “Me Time”! Even if it is that 5 min in your busy schedule to have that warm cup of coffee in your favorite chair! It is just a beginning. Soon you will start to love yourself and attract love into your life effortlessly!





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